The Reason for Our Efforts
So, why do we care? One simple answer: Pit Bulls are a part of our families. Just as any other breed of dog is welcomed into millions of homes across the nation we have welcomed this so called "aggressive" breed of dogs into our homes. By no means are we trying to force our kinship of Pit Bulls on others, but we do want others, and our communities, to tolerate the fact that we have welcomed Pit Bulls into our homes. I feel the same way about my Pit Bull that I have felt about all of the "non-aggressive" dog breeds we have had in the past. I am always greeted at the door, and she never holds a grudge. When I have a bad day my Pit Bull is a companion that will always be at my side. To sum it up, there is an unconditional love that I feel every time I come home to see my Pit Bull. I'm not worried about others' opinions, but I am worried about the future of this breed in America.