Visit any one of the links on the left side of the page to join a good cause in the betterment of Pit Bulls. You can help by donating your time or money to any of these trusted partners. Unfortunately, any animal rescue shelter is going to be overrun with Pit Bulls, so you have many options as to where you can find organizations to help out. Many pounds will not let people adopt Pit Bulls. It's a sad truth, but the pound is a one-way trip for a Pit Bull. All of the organizations on the left are no-kill rescues. You can rest assure knowing that you are helping a cause that truly cares for the breed that you love.
You can also try your hand at PR to to bring attention to all of the wonderful aspects of Pit Bull ownership. Any little bit helps. Talk with your local communities to spread the word and you might just get the ball rolling in your community. My number one recommendation is to lead by example. Raise your Pit Bull the right way and keep him/her out of trouble and you will be doing your part in the rehabilitation of the Pit Bull's image in America.